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- /* LoadSaveNoteVectors.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "LoadSaveNoteVectors.h"
- #include "Array.h"
- #include "FrameObject.h"
- #include "NoteObject.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "BufferedFileInput.h"
- #include "BufferedFileOutput.h"
- /* Note Vector Subblock Format: */
- /* 1-byte format version number */
- /* should be 1 */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of frames in the vector */
- /* * for each frame: */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of notes in the frame */
- /* n-bytes of data for all of the notes (see note object format) */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of records in the tie matrix */
- /* * for each tie matrix entry: */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the source frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the source note in the frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the target frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the target note in the frame */
- /* this reads in notes from the file and the tie matrix and builts a note */
- /* vector from the information. */
- FileLoadingErrors ReadNoteVector(struct ArrayRec** FrameArrayOut,
- struct BufferedInputRec* Input)
- {
- signed long NumberOfFrames;
- long FrameScan;
- ArrayRec* FrameArray;
- FileLoadingErrors Error;
- signed long NumberOfTieRecords;
- long TieScan;
- unsigned char UnsignedChar;
- CheckPtrExistence(Input);
- /* 1-byte format version number */
- /* should be 1 */
- if (!ReadBufferedUnsignedChar(Input,&UnsignedChar))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePointneg1:
- return Error;
- }
- if (UnsignedChar != 1)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint0:
- goto FailurePointneg1;
- }
- FrameArray = NewArray();
- if (FrameArray == NIL)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- FailurePoint1:
- goto FailurePoint0;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian number of frames in the vector */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&NumberOfFrames))
- {
- long FrameLimit;
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint2:
- FrameScan = ArrayGetLength(FrameArray);
- for (FrameScan = 0; FrameScan < FrameLimit; FrameScan += 1)
- {
- DisposeFrameAndContents((FrameObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(
- FrameArray,FrameScan));
- }
- DisposeArray(FrameArray);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- if (NumberOfFrames < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint3:
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- /* * for each frame: */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of notes in the frame */
- /* n-bytes of data for all of the notes */
- for (FrameScan = 0; FrameScan < NumberOfFrames; FrameScan += 1)
- {
- signed long NumberOfNotes;
- long NoteScan;
- FrameObjectRec* FrameObject;
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&NumberOfNotes))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint4:
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- FrameObject = NewFrame();
- if (FrameObject == NIL)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- FailurePoint4a:
- goto FailurePoint4;
- }
- for (NoteScan = 0; NoteScan < NumberOfNotes; NoteScan += 1)
- {
- NoteObjectRec* Note;
- Error = NoteObjectNewFromFile(&Note,Input);
- if (Error != eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- FailurePoint4b:
- DisposeFrameAndContents(FrameObject);
- goto FailurePoint4a;
- }
- if (((NumNotesInFrame(FrameObject) > 1) && IsItACommand(Note))
- || IsThisACommandFrame(FrameObject))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint4ba:
- DisposeNote(Note);
- goto FailurePoint4b;
- }
- if (!AppendNoteToFrame(FrameObject,Note))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- FailurePoint4bb:
- goto FailurePoint4ba;
- }
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(FrameArray,FrameObject))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadOutOfMemory;
- goto FailurePoint4b;
- }
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian number of records in the tie matrix */
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&NumberOfTieRecords))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint5:
- goto FailurePoint4;
- }
- if (NumberOfTieRecords < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint6:
- goto FailurePoint5;
- }
- /* * for each tie matrix entry: */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the source frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the source note in the frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the target frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the target note in the frame */
- for (TieScan = 0; TieScan < NumberOfTieRecords; TieScan += 1)
- {
- signed long SourceFrameIndex;
- signed long SourceNoteIndex;
- signed long TargetFrameIndex;
- signed long TargetNoteIndex;
- FrameObjectRec* SourceFrame;
- FrameObjectRec* TargetFrame;
- NoteObjectRec* SourceNote;
- NoteObjectRec* TargetNote;
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SourceFrameIndex))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint7:
- goto FailurePoint6;
- }
- if (SourceFrameIndex < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7a:
- goto FailurePoint7;
- }
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&SourceNoteIndex))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint7b:
- goto FailurePoint7a;
- }
- if (SourceNoteIndex < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7c:
- goto FailurePoint7b;
- }
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&TargetFrameIndex))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint7d:
- goto FailurePoint7c;
- }
- if (TargetFrameIndex < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7e:
- goto FailurePoint7d;
- }
- if (!ReadBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Input,&TargetNoteIndex))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadDiskError;
- FailurePoint7f:
- goto FailurePoint7e;
- }
- if (TargetNoteIndex < 0)
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7g:
- goto FailurePoint7f;
- }
- if ((TargetFrameIndex <= SourceFrameIndex)
- || (TargetFrameIndex >= ArrayGetLength(FrameArray))
- || (SourceFrameIndex >= ArrayGetLength(FrameArray)))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7h:
- goto FailurePoint7g;
- }
- SourceFrame = (FrameObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(FrameArray,SourceFrameIndex);
- CheckPtrExistence(SourceFrame);
- TargetFrame = (FrameObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(FrameArray,TargetFrameIndex);
- CheckPtrExistence(TargetFrame);
- if ((SourceNoteIndex >= NumNotesInFrame(SourceFrame))
- || (TargetNoteIndex >= NumNotesInFrame(TargetFrame)))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7i:
- goto FailurePoint7h;
- }
- SourceNote = GetNoteFromFrame(SourceFrame,SourceNoteIndex);
- CheckPtrExistence(SourceNote);
- TargetNote = GetNoteFromFrame(TargetFrame,TargetNoteIndex);
- CheckPtrExistence(TargetNote);
- if (IsItACommand(SourceNote) || IsItACommand(TargetNote))
- {
- Error = eFileLoadBadFormat;
- FailurePoint7j:
- goto FailurePoint7i;
- }
- PutNoteTieTarget(SourceNote,TargetNote);
- }
- *FrameArrayOut = FrameArray;
- return eFileLoadNoError;
- }
- /* this writes out the information for each note and then writes the tie matrix */
- /* to the file. */
- FileLoadingErrors WriteNoteVector(struct ArrayRec* ArrayOfFrames,
- struct BufferedOutputRec* Output)
- {
- long NumberOfFrames;
- long FrameScan;
- long NumberOfTieRecords;
- CheckPtrExistence(ArrayOfFrames);
- CheckPtrExistence(Output);
- /* 1-byte format version number */
- /* should be 1 */
- if (!WriteBufferedUnsignedChar(Output,1))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian number of frames in the vector */
- NumberOfFrames = ArrayGetLength(ArrayOfFrames);
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,NumberOfFrames))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* * for each frame: */
- /* 4-byte little endian number of notes in the frame */
- /* n-bytes of data for all of the notes */
- NumberOfTieRecords = 0;
- for (FrameScan = 0; FrameScan < NumberOfFrames; FrameScan += 1)
- {
- FrameObjectRec* Frame;
- long NumberOfNotes;
- long NoteScan;
- FileLoadingErrors Error;
- Frame = (FrameObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(ArrayOfFrames,FrameScan);
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- NumberOfNotes = NumNotesInFrame(Frame);
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,NumberOfNotes))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- for (NoteScan = 0; NoteScan < NumberOfNotes; NoteScan += 1)
- {
- NoteObjectRec* Note;
- Note = GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,NoteScan);
- if (!IsItACommand(Note) && (GetNoteTieTarget(Note) != NIL))
- {
- NumberOfTieRecords += 1;
- }
- Error = NoteObjectWriteDataOut(Note,Output);
- if (Error != eFileLoadNoError)
- {
- return Error;
- }
- }
- }
- /* 4-byte little endian number of records in the tie matrix */
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(Output,NumberOfTieRecords))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- /* * for each tie matrix entry: */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the source frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the source note in the frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the target frame */
- /* 4-byte little endian index of the target note in the frame */
- for (FrameScan = 0; FrameScan < NumberOfFrames; FrameScan += 1)
- {
- FrameObjectRec* Frame;
- long NumberOfNotes;
- long NoteScan;
- Frame = (FrameObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(ArrayOfFrames,FrameScan);
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- NumberOfNotes = NumNotesInFrame(Frame);
- for (NoteScan = 0; NoteScan < NumberOfNotes; NoteScan += 1)
- {
- NoteObjectRec* Note;
- Note = GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,NoteScan);
- if (!IsItACommand(Note))
- {
- NoteObjectRec* TieTarget;
- TieTarget = GetNoteTieTarget(Note);
- if (TieTarget != NIL)
- {
- long SubFrameScan;
- NumberOfTieRecords -= 1;
- for (SubFrameScan = FrameScan + 1; SubFrameScan < NumberOfFrames;
- SubFrameScan += 1)
- {
- FrameObjectRec* SearchFrame;
- long SubNumNotes;
- long SubNoteScan;
- SearchFrame = (FrameObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(ArrayOfFrames,
- SubFrameScan);
- CheckPtrExistence(SearchFrame);
- SubNumNotes = NumNotesInFrame(SearchFrame);
- for (SubNoteScan = 0; SubNoteScan < SubNumNotes; SubNoteScan += 1)
- {
- NoteObjectRec* SearchNote;
- SearchNote = GetNoteFromFrame(SearchFrame,SubNoteScan);
- if (!IsItACommand(SearchNote))
- {
- if (SearchNote == TieTarget)
- {
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(
- Output,FrameScan))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(
- Output,NoteScan))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(
- Output,SubFrameScan))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- if (!WriteBufferedSignedLongLittleEndian(
- Output,SubNoteScan))
- {
- return eFileLoadDiskError;
- }
- goto DoneSearchingForTieTargetPoint;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- "WriteNoteVector: tie target couldn't be found"));
- /* jump out here when tie target has been found */
- DoneSearchingForTieTargetPoint:
- ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ERROR(NumberOfTieRecords != 0,PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "WriteNoteVector: tie record count inconsistency"));
- return eFileLoadNoError;
- }